当前位置: 首页 » 产品供应 » 照明工业 » 气体放电灯 » 金卤灯 » Elite Agro 315W/930

Elite Agro 315W/930

单价: 电询
起订: 12 只
供货总量: 12000 只
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新时间: 2018-05-14 08:35
品牌: 飞利浦
型号: MASTER GreenPower Elite Agro 315W/930 PGZX18
所在地: 上海
MasterColor CDM-T Elite
MASTER GreenPower Elite Agro 315W/930 PGZX18飞利浦植物补光灯光源
CMH 315W/3100K

The Philips MasterColor ELITE MW system offers an unrivalled level of light quality and
performance. The lamp"s sparkling white light creates a natural ambience and really brings
out the best in all different types of colors. In addition, the high efficiency of the lamp and
ballast together means reduced energy use and a lower cost of ownership compared to a
400W me

Warnings and Safety
R "WARNING: These lamps can cause serious skin burn and eye inflammation from short wave ultraviolet radiation if outer envelope of the
lamp is broken or punctured. Do not use wher people will remain for more than a few minutes unless adequate shielding or other safety
precautions are used. Certain lamps that will automatically extinguish when the outer envelope is broken or punctured are commercially
available." This lamp complies with FDA radiation performance standard 21 CFR subchapter J. (USA:21 CFR 1040.30 Canada:

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