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需求数量: 20
价格要求: 8888
包装要求: 箱子
所在地: 广东东莞
更新时间: 2017-12-07 14:48
有效期至: 长期有效
E4421A: E4421A
E4421A: E4421A
E4421A: E4421A
联系人:陈细平          手机:13510508612(同微信)
QQ:1912682229     电话:0769-82953985
Agilent E4421A 信号发生器250 kHz 至 3 GHz 频率范围
E4421A~RF 调制带宽达 35 MHz
E4421A~和/或实时 I/Q 基带发生器
E4421A~40 MHz 采样率和 14-bit I/Q 分辨率
E4421A~1 Msample (4 MB) 存储器用于波形回放
E4421A~1 Msample (4 MB) 存储器用于波形保存
E4421A~定制数字调制 (>15 种 FSK, MSK, PSK, QAM变异),AM, FM, 相位调制, 脉冲调制, 
E4421A~步进/表格扫描 (频率和功率)
E4421A~GPIB 和 RS-232 连通能力
E4421A~高频信号发生器250K-3GHz,40 MHz 采样率和 14-bit I/Q 分辨率。
E4421A~具有定制数字调制 (>15 种 FSK, MSK, PSK, QAM变异),AM, FM, 相位调制, 脉冲调制, 
E4421A~步进/表格扫描 (频率和功率),E4421A~GPIB 和 RS-232 连通能力。
Keysight's Keysight MUE terminal emulation tester supports tens of thousands of NB-IoT 
terminal accesses and simulates a wide range of vertical industry business models that 
support mobile IoT host capacity performance testing and help move Successively valid
ated the performance of a number of different vertical application scenarios, including 
field applications. At the 2017 China Mobile Global Partner Conference, Keysight MUE 
terminal emulation tester is honored to be selected as "China Mobile Internet of Things 
NB-IoT Industry evaluation Report (2017 version)" and become an important member in 
promoting the development of Internet of Things .

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